Friday, March 14, 2014

A day with the seismic source team in photos

The source of sound waves for the SUGAR experiment will be a series of controlled blasts along the profile.  For each of these, we drill a 60-100 ft deep hole, place emulsion explosives with boosters and caps at the base of the hole, and fill in the rest of the hole with dirt and gravel.  Each seismic source location requires a substantial amount of work by drillers and the UTEP seismic source team.  Below, Adrian Gutierrez shows a day in the life of the source team with pictures (Donna Shillington, 13 March 2014)

Adrian Gutierrez, 13 March 14
7:30 am: Leave Georgia Southwestern State University, where we are staying, and head to the site
8:20 am: Arrive at site
8:30 am: Start drilling and take geological samples every 5 ft.

9:00 am: Dyno Nobel truck arrives; load emulsion into cut PVC pipe sections that serve as a holders for emulsion.
9:30 am: Surprise visit from other scientists on the project
9.50 am: Setting up the booster in the emulsion.
11.20 am: Loading the explosives into the drill hole
12.00 pm: Drill crew starts removing their equipment
12.45 pm: Tagging the charges and plugging the hole
3.15 pm: Move onto the next drill site.
Nighttime: Finally back to the dorm.